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ПРИВЕТСТВИЕОбновлено: 10.04.2024

Президент РФ. Поручения

Официальный интернет-портал правовой информации

Портал гос. услуг Российской Федерации

Министерство юстиции РФ. Федеральный список экстремистских материалов

Независимая оценки качества услуг

Служба занятости населения Кемеровской области

Радио ВОС

Новокузнецкий филиал ГКУК «КузОСБ»

Мы в соцсетях: Вконтакте


Dear guests,

      We are glad to greet you on the site of the Kemerovo regional specialized library for blind and weak-vision people. Our library is the only one in Kuzbass that serves people with vision disability. It is a unique books’ collection of all the literature kinds and genres as in traditional and special forms.
      We consider our mission in the access to information for vision disabled people. Provision of information needs for readers is based on the modern technologies, giving the necessary subsidiary typhlotechnical means to blind readers, maintaining automated working places, providing them independent access both to native information sources and the world information resources. We sincerely hope that our site’s materials will be needed by our readers and specialists on physical handicaps and rehabilitation as well as all the people who are not indifferent.